A blog about being a broke twenty-something grad student in L.A. At least the good parts.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Some of my life has been recovered

I once again tried to boot the old PowerBook in target mode, but it didn't see the external USB keyboard that I hooked up in the hopes of it recognizing that I was pressing down on the 't' key (which is the way it knows to boot in target mode apparently). Rather, it actually booted up!! I put in my username and password, and all of a sudden I was staring at all my desktop files and my wallpaper. I jumped up and down in front of my labmate Jonathan. He looked at me like I was funny. My joy was slightly premature, as the computer froze about a minute later. I turned it off, and since the laptop keyboard was working, I decided to try and boot it in target mode again so I could do the full hard drive transfer, but it went back into death mode. We found some instructions online and pulled out the hard drive, attached it to some thing that I don't know the name of that allowed it to be plugged into the USB port. My new computer saw the hard drive! I decided the first thing to copy over would be my home directory, as my files are the most important. Applications...well they can be replaced. What I should have done (already with the should haves) is first moved just my 'Pictures' directory, and then my 'Research' directory, and then my 'Music' directory. All in all, my home directory had about 20 GB worth of data, about 10 GB of which is music. It got about 12 GB into the copy when the hard drive kind of petered out. I'm letting it rest overnight and really hoping I'll be able to get the rest (I really don't want to assume it's completely dead...yet). Because most of that 12 GB is the music, and damn if I didn't realize that I'd rather have my pictures than the music, since I can replace most of the music. Probably all of it with a little work. So I'm still kind of at square one, in terms of the research stuff I had on the computer, and my pictures. Thank god for Flickr. If I didn't have at least most of my favorite pictures uploaded there...I would be really depressed.

I did get all of the files on my desktop, and I got my 'Documents' folder which had some stuff, but nothing extremely important. Of course I managed to save my favorite lolcats pictures:

Now I can sleep easily. Sheesh.

Tomorrow night (as it's nearing midnight and I really should be getting up before 7 a.m.) I'll be backing up all the music, and whatever files I have. I swear. Now it's a matter of getting the programs back, most of which I think I can get from my adviser (i.e. Matlab). I downloaded Firefox tonight. I missed Firefox; Safari is pretty lame. All the Blogger functions work better in Firefox.

Interestingly, I did a Google search for 'flickr + facetioushorse' (which is my username, and the reason why I was searching for my Flickr site that way is because I have o.c.d. about mis-typing addresses into the address bar), and the last link on the page is actually an image search on search.com for 'bob + hair + cut'. Apparently, their image searches also go through Flickr, and there I am, the first result from their Flickr search. I feel kind of famous.

Listening: Grey Daturas - Path of Niners (oh how I missed you, Grey Daturas!)

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