A blog about being a broke twenty-something grad student in L.A. At least the good parts.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


First off, although I don't get Showtime (or cable for the record), I think Weeds is a fantastic show. I saw all of season one during a slow weekend sometime last year. When I get a free weekend (hello the end of September) I'll be renting season two.

But I just love the billboards for season three, which are posted all over Los Angeles (and probably many other cities too) and feature the most beautiful picture of Mary Louise Parker:

Forget Angelina Jolie or whoever else is considered "hot", this is the mesmerizing kind of beautiful. And I'm not into women! I don't think it's just the snake either...I wish my skin was as milky as that.

Second, I heard on the news today that there is a new application on Facebook...for cats and dogs! For cats! I have a cat, I have Facebook, so the loveliest cat in the world, Calliope, will now have a profile, so she can get more dates. Here she is looking all cute:

Third, I just found out about this seemingly very interesting event happening this Sunday at the Arboretum of Los Angeles, called Terrabyte 2.0, described on their website:
Be transported to a realm of ever-changing sounds, sights and spaces within The Arboretum’s beautiful gardens. Combining emerging technologies and spatial experimentation, you will find your way through an evening featuring soundscape performances by Boom Bip, Tycho, Test Shot Starfish, Eezir and Dewey dB, and Karl Fornander. An experimental lab, earth in space tours, planetarium presentation and various hands-on activities. Proceeds of this event support The Arboretum’s Plant Conservation Programs.
I think I'm going to try to go! More plans!

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